Source of file View.php

Size: 7,792 Bytes - Last Modified: 2015-12-22T09:42:40-05:00


Covered by 2 test(s):
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "good controller request"
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "bad controller request"
Covered by 2 test(s):
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "good controller request"
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "bad controller request"
Covered by 2 test(s):
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "good controller request"
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "bad controller request"
Covered by 2 test(s):
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "good controller request"
  • MvcLite\DispatcherTest::testDispatch with data set "bad controller request"
 * Base View Class
 * @category    PHP
 * @package     MvcLite
 * @subpackage  View
 * @since       File available since release 1.0.1
 * @author      Cory Collier <>

namespace MvcLite;

use MvcLite\Traits\Singleton as SingletonTrait;
use MvcLite\Traits\Filepath as FilepathTrait;
use MvcLite\Traits\Loader as LoaderTrait;
use MvcLite\Traits\Request as RequestTrait;
use MvcLite\Traits\Session as SessionTrait;
use MvcLite\Traits\Config as ConfigTrait;

 * Base View Class
 * @category    PHP
 * @package     MvcLite
 * @subpackage  View
 * @since       Class available since release 1.0.1
 * @author      Cory Collier <>
class View extends ObjectAbstract
    use SingletonTrait;
    use FilepathTrait;
    use LoaderTrait;
    use RequestTrait;
    use SessionTrait;
    use ConfigTrait;

     * Constants
    const DEFAULT_FORMAT = 'html';
    const ERR_BAD_HELPER_NAME = "Requested view helper [%s] could not be found";
    const ERR_BAD_FORMAT = "The format given [%s] is not supported";

     * Variables assigned to the view
     * @var array
    protected $vars = [];

     * a list of previously loaded view helpers
     * @var array
    protected $helpers = [];

     * The name of the view script to be used
     * @var string
    protected $script;

     * The name of the layout script to be used
     * @var string
    protected $layout;

     * The format type for the view
     * @var string
    protected $format = self::DEFAULT_FORMAT;

     * The list of paths used to search for view scripts.
     * @var array
    protected $viewScriptPaths = [];

     * method to start the view.
     * @return MvcLite\View Return s$his for object-chaining.
    public function init()
        $config = $this->getConfig();

        $this->set('title', $config->get('app.title'));

        $settings = $config->getSection('layout');
        foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
            $this->set($key, $value);

        $settings = $config->getSection('view');
        foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
            $this->set($key, $value);

        return $this;

     * Getter for the format.
     * @return string The format for the view.
    public function getFormat()
        return $this->format;

     * Setter for the format.
     * @param string $format The format for the view.
     * @return MvcLite\View Returns $this for object-chaining.
    public function setFormat($format)
        $this->format = $format;
        return $this;

     * Method to add a path to the list of paths used to search for view scripts
     * @param string $path
     * @return MvcLite\View $this for object-chaining.
    public function addViewScriptPath($path)
        if (strpos($path, APP_PATH) === false) {
            $path = $this->filepath([APP_PATH, $path]);

        $this->viewScriptPaths[] = $path;

        return $this;

     * return the view script paths, reversed to enforce LIFO
     * @return array
    public function getViewScriptPaths()
        return array_reverse($this->viewScriptPaths);

     * Method to set the script attrubute
     * @param string $path
     * @return MvcLite\View $this for object-chaining.
    public function setScript($path)
        $this->script = (string)$path;

        return $this;

     * Method to get the script attribute
     * @return string the name of the view script to use
    public function getScript()
        return $this->script;

     * Method to set the layout attribute
     * @param string $path
     * @return MvcLite\View $this for object-chaining.
    public function setLayout($path)
        $this->layout = (string)$path;

        return $this;

     * Returns the layout script name
     * @return string The name of the layout script to use
    public function getLayout()
        return $this->layout;

     * Gets the view script
     * @return string The path to the view script.
    public function getViewScript()
        $paths = $this->getViewScriptPaths();
        $script = $this->getScript();
        $format = $this->getFormat();
        // iterate through the view paths
        foreach ($paths as $path) {
            $path = $this->filepath([$path, $script . '.' . $format . '.php']);
            if (file_exists($path)) {
                return $path;

     * Returns the layout script;
     * @return string The filename of the layout script.
    public function getLayoutScript()
        $format      = $this->getFormat();
        $layoutScript = $this->getLayout() . '.' . $format . '.php';
        return $this->filepath([
            APP_PATH, 'View', 'layouts', $layoutScript

     * Method to render the view
     * @return string The result of the rendering
    public function render()
        $format       = $this->getFormat();
        $script       = $this->getScript();
        $viewScript   = $this->getViewScript();
        $layoutScript = $this->getLayoutScript();

        if (! $this->getScript() || ! $this->getViewScript()) {
            return null;

        include $viewScript;
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        $this->set('content', $content);

        // if there is no layout, then return the content
        if (! $layoutScript || $format !== 'html') {
            return $this->filter($content);

        include $layoutScript;
        $contents = ob_get_clean();

        return $this->filter($contents);

     * Method to filter string input
     * @param $string the unfiltered output
     * @return string the filtered output
    public function filter($string)
        return $string;

     * Setter for the _vars property.
     * @param string $var
     * @param unknown_type $value
     * @return MvcLite\View $this for object-chaining.
    public function set($var, $value = '')
        $this->vars[$var] = $value;
        return $this;

     * getter for the _vars property
     * @param string $var
     * @return mixed
    public function get($var)
        if (array_key_exists($var, $this->vars)) {
            return $this->vars[$var];

     * getter for a view helper instance
     * @param string $name
     * @return MvcLite\View_Helper
    public function getHelper($name)
        $loader = $this->getLoader();
        // if the helper has already been loaded, just return the instance
        if (@$this->helpers[$name]) {
            return $this->helpers[$name];

        foreach (['App', 'MvcLite'] as $library) {
            // create the full class name
            $className = "\\{$library}\\View\\Helper\\" . ucfirst("{$name}");

            if ($loader->loadClass($className)) {
                $this->helpers[$name] = new $className($this);
                return $this->helpers[$name];

        // throw an exception if we get this far
        throw new Exception(sprintf(self::ERR_BAD_HELPER_NAME, $name));